Share Your Story

Collected stories will be written on cloth, witnessed, and washed in a trilogy ritual spanning three days of the AiOP Care festival.

Share your story. 

What is a wash story? They might be…

  • A story of grief

  • A tender story that holds emotional weight for you

  • A memory you hold close to your heart

  • A story of strength through struggle

  • A loss that you may still carry within

  • A witnessing of the world that brings you sadness

  • Something difficult that requires inner strength to resolve

Stories come in many forms:

  • A written story or even 

  • A fragment of a story, a few lines

  • A poem

  • An oral telling or recording

  • Another art form!


Your story  may be displayed publicly including on the project’s community website and social media platforms, where it will be accessible to a broad audience. If you choose to provide comments about your stories, these reflections may also be included. Your comments offer valuable insight into the meaning behind your creation and add depth to the public understanding of your contribution. 

Your story and comments may be used in future publications, presentations, or promotions related to this project or similar initiatives. These could include online galleries, educational materials, or advocacy campaigns. You will always be acknowledged according to your preferences.

Your name may be displayed in attribution with your story and comments. Please let us know if you prefer to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym. 

By participating you acknowledge and agree to the above as outlined. If you have questions or concerns please email

Thank you for sharing your story with us and your participation in the WASH! Project. 

Mental Health Support

Everyone deserves care. If you or someone you know is struggling, support is available.

For urgent support: Mental Health Hotline | 866.903.3787

To find a licensed family therapist in your area: Therapist Locator